Friday, September 18, 2009

Perumnas Market

Perumnas market is the wet market that we often shop at for our daily vegetables. Perumnas is short for PERUMAHAN NASIONAL, which meant national housing area (build by the government). It is one of the cheaper wet markets in Palembang. Vegetables from this market cost up to 20% less compared to the wet markets in town.

Since we gave up on having a live-in maid 6 months ago, I have been doing all the grocery shopping in this wet market. Normally every Monday I will bring my toddler son to this market to shop for the following items for the week:

  1. Tempeh (soya bean cake - I like it when it is sliced thinly and deep fried).

  2. Onions, ginger and garlic

  3. Vegetables - Katu, Kangkung, Kobis

  4. Kacang panjang (long beans)

  5. Tofu

  6. Bananas - for breakfast with oats

We seldom buy meat to eat but get our proteins from tempeh and beans. We also have some okra (ladies fingers) plants that supply us with once a week of vegetables as well.

In the market, they also sell fishes for decorations, just like this shop below. My son loves to stand around those tubs to watch the fishes swim back and forth. Sometimes the sellers will have a bunch of worms thrown into the tub for the fishes to feast on.

One day we came across this box that had moving creatures inside.... they are crickets! These crickets were meant to be food for the bigger fishes. They were all in the box eating away fallen leaves but surprising enough they did not try to escape from the container?

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