Friday, September 18, 2009

Hazy Week

Last week, the haze situation was terrible in Palembang. It was the worst since I last experienced so much pollution here in Palembang when I first arrived in Oct 2006. We have been turning on our air-conditioning for the whole day and yet the smell and some fine particles still came through.

The roads leading to my work place are hardly visible from 3km away. Normally we could see the urea factory's cooling towers from this distance but not throughout last week....

Here are is a photo showing the haze particles that landed on our ceramic floor outside the house. I don't think exposing ourselves long term to this polluted situation will be good for our health, especially when it is an annual event! For the past few years, my wife and son would travel to Australia before the "haze season" starts. However, this year because we wanted to travel together, we decided to "stick through" the haze period.... did not seem to be a correct decision!

Luckily for the past few days it rained and cleared up the haze. We are all set to leave for a 2 week break in Brisbane on Sunday. Hopefully the haze won't be back when we come back as the rainy season is supposed to start anytime now.

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