Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Return of the Jedi

Many would think this post would be related to the Star Wars episode 4 but unfortunately no. I named this post this way because our maid who supposedly quit 4 days ago came back to work for us again.

The incident happened like this:

  1. For the past 2 weeks our maid has been asking for leave for 2 consecutive weekends claiming that she had to send her dad to the airport and also attend a friend's wedding.
  2. She was also on "sick leave" for 1 day but did not go home (claiming she spent the night at her aunt's place). Her work has been a bit slack lately and kept forgetting to do the routine things she was supposed to do.
  3. One day she recommended her "cousin" (who constantly brings her home from our place) to work as our factory gardener.
  4. We got suspicious and I started to ask around (especially the maid's brother in law, who works as a loading contractor in my factory).
  5. We found out that her dad never went to the airport & her "cousin" was actually her boyfriend.
  6. We told her one night that we were very disappointed at her for her lies and hope she could start a new chapter again with us by not lying anymore.
  7. Perhaps she was too traumatized by our "lecture" and decided to quit (Palembang people are known to have a lot of pride).
  8. She left the next morning despite our persuasions to keep her.
  9. We ended up with no stay in maid for 4 days but we managed to get someone who comes in for 2-3 hours to clean the house.
  10. Then one night our maid sms'd me asking if she could get her job back.
Since we were quite satisfied with her work and only disappointed by her lies, we accepted her back with the condition that she would tell us the truth in the future. Whether it is socially acceptable in Indonesia to tell "white lies", we are still trying to find out.... maybe it has to do with Palembang pride? Please feel free to comment.

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