Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Secret

Earlier this week I watched a documentary called "the Secret". It was referring to the secret for getting what we want in life.

It uses the "Laws of Attraction" whereby we need to 1) ASK for the things that we want, then 2) ANSWER what to our requests via daily visual aids, then we will eventually 3) RECEIVE the things that we want. The world will give us what we want if we can focus.

A VISION BOARD was suggested to be developed and we should put in all the pictures and photos of the things that we want and look at the board daily. We have to think of the things all the time and eventually a "higher force" will make the things happen for us.

It is also important not to keep reminding ourselves about the bad things that happened and not to dwell in our sorrows. The negative thoughts will generate a vicious cycle and the higher force will grant us what we often think about.....the concept is like requesting multiple wishes from the genie in the Aladdin story (be it good things or bad things).

Here's a sample of the vision board that I have developed (what I want in my life):

Hopefully I will be able to get all of them in the near future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally see your son & wife photo but it is a small tiny one. Aiyo post more lah

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